“All that is said here, stays here. I feel very supported and listened to. All of the women in the Domestic Violence Support Group understand what I have been going through, so I don’t feel alone. I am always learning something new. ”
— Charlotte H.
“I am learning very much in the Domestic Violence Education Class, especially about how to recognize the characteristics of possessive and abusive people. This will really help me when I decide I am ready to date again.”
— Kate M.
“The Domestic Violence program facilitator is a very empowering woman. She makes domestic violence much more understandable to me. I like how women can come together as one in the Support Group.”
— Rachel M.
“Angela’s Piazza is a wonderful place. The staff helped me to get my feet back under me. They are angels in disguise! Without them I wouldn’t be succeeding on my own.”
— Natalie S.
“At Angela’s Piazza, I am surrounded by women with similar wounds. In the groups, we heal together. This community of women shares ways of giving back to ourselves, healing our souls. We learn how to be comfortable in our own skin.”